4416 N Clark Street, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60640

We’re located above My Buddy’s

Enter into My Buddy’s main entrance and you’ll immediately see another door that leads upstairs to The Clash!

have a project? let’s talk.

Have a show you think works in our space? Maybe a workshop? Or an event? Try us out!

Click on the CLASH PITCH button and fill out the form. Someone will get back to you soon! We appreciate your patience as our backlog of pitches and small staff is working diligently to ensure we keep everyone satisfied.


If you’d like to use our space for a rehearsal, shoot us an email to check availability & rates. Rates may vary depending time & date.

Base rates are $25 / per hour.

Looking for a Performance slot?

The Clash features a resident variety show every Monday at 8pm called “We Don’t Sell Beans!” If you’re just looking to do 10 - 15 minutes of your art (improv, music, experimental, etc.) then send an inquiry to Conrad at .

Interested in helping out?

We’re a small but mighty crew that can always use more help. If you have spare time and want to learn more behind the scenes of running a small performance / community space, please shoot us an email inquiry with how’d you would like to help out. If you’re curious about sponsoring a show, finding a spot to showcase or sell your art work (paintings, graphics, etc), or want to intern, say it together now: shoot us an email! info[at]clashonclark[dot]com